About Me

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

These are some pictures of us giving our workshop at Browick school..

Me, Lauren & Charlotte taslking to the Year 2's.

Nina's group showing their performance.

Us helping the Year 2's with their performances.

Us asking questions.

Me and Lauren with our group.

5.2 Logo..

This is my logo to get people donating to charity shops. A logo is important because people instantly know who's brand/organisation/business's the product or idea is. Our logo represents people being helped by donations and encourages people to donate.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

How to make felt..

1) Choose your colour/colours.
2) Get a bowl of warm soapy water and a tray.
3) Tear off small pieces of felt and lay them all in in the same direction in the tray.
4) Lay some other pieces going  the opposite way.
5) Repeat this until it looks fairly thick.
6) Pour soapy water over the felt until it is all wet.
7) Rub over the felt with bubble wrap to make sure it all sticks together.
8) Keep going over the steps until your felt is as thick as you want it to be.

I don't think i would be able to use felt on my shoe because it wouldn't work for what i want.

5.3 Letter to charity shop..

Wymondham High School,
Folly Road,
Dear Sir/Madam,
                              I am from Wymondham high and am one of the students that said we would help raise awareness about your charity and try to get more donations for you. So far we have put lots of flyer's up around our school encouraging students and teachers to meet in a classroom at break times and give us any donations they have. Also we have been to Browick primary school and done a performance there about how much giing to charity can really help. Then afterwards we did a workshop with them on sharing and donating, we spoke to them about what types of things to give, and how to donate. Every student there seemed really up for donating there old toys and clothes by the time we had finished, they said that when they clear out to make room for new stuff at Christmas, their old stuff would go to the charity shop. We are still working on getting you even more donations.

Yours faithfully, Jasmine Ayton.