About Me

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

5.3 My day out in Wymondham..

Today we took a trip into Wymondham town centre, we visted our Book shop and our Charity shop.

 First we went to the but shop as part of our artefact project, we found out that the shop (The Book Fountaion) sells a variety of books including; childrens books, study books and teenage books. The shop owner had been working there for five years but he said the previous owner had had the shop for around 12 years. All the books are from Britain and his suppliers are from Norwich and Sussex. We video the interview and took some pictures.
Next we went to the Charity shop (break childrens hospice) where we interviewed a few of the shop workers and were given some leaflets and information to help us with our campaign project. We also took some pictures of the stock.

We also have a video to upload on here that will give more information.

Christian Louboutin

I have chosen to research Christian Louboutin's line of shoes..
Christian was born in 1964, In 1992 he opend his first boutique in Paris. He later goes on, in 1994 to open another boutique in New York City. 1996 recieves a FFANY award for his designs. Louboutin nowwas 12 stores around the world, and had become very successful. Many famous people wear his shoes e.g; Selena Gomez, Chantelle Houghton, Madonna, Sarah Jessica Parker and Angelina Jolie.